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The Truth About Homosexuality and Change

Real and lasting change is available to those who desire freedom from unwanted homosexual attractions.  There is also help for families and friends of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and trans-genders to reconcile with their loved ones, but not at the expense of their values.  Reclamation Resource Center does this by proclaiming the reality of change to all who will listen and by offering a message of grace concerning sexuality and Christianity. We also provide information about the ex-gay experience and a compassionate dialogue about sexuality and the Bible.

Reclamation Resource Center is based on the following beliefs:

  • All people are sinners and deserve God's judgment. (Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23)
  • By His death, burial and resurrection Jesus paid the price for our sins. (Romans 5:18)
  • Our only hope is through faith, to trust on His sacrifice and receive Jesus Christ's gift. (Romans 10:9-10 and Ephesians 2:8-9)
  • The concept of sexual orientation is extra-Biblical. (Genesis 1:27)
  • The Bible forbids any sexual expression outside of a one man, one woman lifetime marriage commitment. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and Genesis 2:24)
  • Our ability to relate as men and women according to God's plan requires a growing relationship with Jesus. (Romans 12:1-2)
  • Persistent sexual and/or emotional attractions to the same gender are symptoms of deeper heart issues such as unforgiveness and self-pity. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
  • God doesn't require anything more for people dealing with homosexuality than anyone else - to become what by nature we are not and to conform to the image of Christ. (Ephesians 4:22 - 24) 
  • As a person conforms to the image of Christ, they grow in their God-given heterosexual potential.



Mike Levenhagen and his wife Kathy founded Reclamation Resource Center in 1997. Their pastor agreed there was a need to provide a healing/support group in Appleton, Wisconsin for men and women seeking freedom from unwanted same-sex-attractions. They also saw the need to provide support for families and friends of those embracing homosexuality.


The focus grew to help equip local bodies to come along side of those seeking freedom from unwanted homosexual attractions. The ministry also saw a need to help churches reach out to those identified as gay, lesbian or transgendered with the hope of the Gospel and a heart of compassion.


With this expanded vision, their pastor agreed that it would help to reach more people to move from the covering of the church and become a 501c3 parachurch outreach. This was accomplished when the board of Broken Yoke Ministries agreed to oversee Reclamation Resource Center.


In the Fall  of 2018, Reclamation Resource Center became a ministry of Bible Doctrines to Live By.  We are excited with this new relationship as it provides a synergy of outreach and equipping.

Most recently, in the Summer of 2024, Reclamation Resource Center became an outreach of Grace Bible Church Oshkosh.  


Click here to read Mike's personal story.

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