

Each year we offer a one-day seminar on issues involving gender identity called "Reflecting the Truth in Love".  The day consists of a general teaching on a Biblical understanding of sexual brokenness in the morning and several workshops on specific issues in the afternoon.


We also travel to churches to provide Bible-based information, encouragement and support on issues of sexuality. In addition to our seminars, we provide one to three hour long workshops based on the needs of the audience. Past workshops have included: The Church's Response to LGBTQ ussues, Addressing Pro-Gay Theology, Teen Gender Issues, Pornography and Sexual Sin.


Contact us for more information.





Testimonies make Gospel truth take on flesh and blood. It is one thing to hear a sermon on God’s grace and transforming power; it is quite another to hear a someone speak personally of their experience of God’s grace. Testimonies invigorate and excite us as we are reminded that God is alive and at work in our midst.


We have people who share their personal journey from various perspectives:

  • Male homosexuality

  • Female homosexuality

  • Parents

  • Couples


Contact us for more information.




Discussion Panels


A well-run panel discussion provides factual and abstract knowledge, raises awareness of principles, can present multiple views and helps provide solutions for problems. Panel discussions provide a setting in which the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions, evaluate replies and make constructive contributions. We have experience serving on Discussion Panels as Subject Matter Experts in the area of homosexuality and a traditional Biblical understandingof change.


Contact us for more information.




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