
Family and Friends Drop-in Group

Renewed Hope

Parents and family members of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) need safe places to share their concerns—without being forced to affirm the behavior of their loved ones when they can't in good conscience accept it. Support groups are needed that will foster understanding, teach respect for differing opinions, and encourage reconciliation through healthy relating without the need to affirm behavior as good or right.


Key Benefits

  • A safe haven to process feelings
  • Traditional Biblical understanding of gender identity
  • Encouragement to boldly and compassionately relate

We meet at various places in the Fox Valley in Wisconsin. Please contact us for details.




Overcomers Drop-in Group


Transformed Hearts

People should be given all the facts about gender identity issues and allowed to make an informed choice whether to pursue change or embrace a homosexual identity.  Our message to those dealing with gender identity issues is: "God loves you and desires to have a personal relationship with you.  He provided a means for that relationship to occur when He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and rise again as payment for your sin.  The sin issue isn't only about sexual sin, it is about all our sin (like lying, self-centeredness, anger, unforgiveness, and the list goes on). When you receive His Grace through faith by believing this Truth, you enter into relationship with Him. He will help you grow into your true identity as a man or a woman of God."

God does not just demand change or even celibacy and then sit back to watch us struggle and fail.  He is actively and intimately involved as He heals and restores wholeness to those who seek Him.  The issue is not LGBTQ or heterosexuality, the issue is the Person of Jesus.  

Key Benefits


  • A safe place for men and women struggling with gender identity issues to explore the possibility of change 
  • A safe place to receive prayer and encouragement in the change process

  • Biblical teaching on sexuality and change

We meet at various places in the Fox Valley in Wisconsin. Please contact us for details.





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